Job creation and poverty alleviation should be at the forefront of the hearts and minds of every South African business.

start a business

Start Your Own Business

TGRC continues to drive community and entrepreneurial development.

We can assist you by providing you with advice regarding running your glass recycling business, whether you are an  entrepreneur or buy-back centre.

Please note we do not buy or sell glass but we can direct you to potential buyers of glass in your area – click here to find a buyer for your glass.


Did you know you can make some money by collecting glass for recycling?


Buy-back Centres/Entrepreneurs

We encourage you to start your own business by collecting glass for recycling.

Apply for Assistance

TGRC can assist you by providing you with advice regarding running your glass recycling business, whether you are a collector, entrepreneur or buy-bank centre should you meet our qualifying criteria.


Find a Buyer for Your Glass

Sell your glass or find a buyer for your glass.