// $_REQUEST[‘con’] = 5; // Set a entered number, for testing purposes
// Set container information — Watts per hour required to power the device and how the device should be labeled in the list
$device[‘cfl’] = 14;
$meta[‘cfl’] = “Light a compact florescent bulb for”;
$device[‘light_bulb’] = 60;
$meta[‘light_bulb’] = “Light a standard 60 watt light bulb for”;
$device[‘computer’] = 300;
$meta[‘computer’] = “Operate a computer for”;
$device[‘television’] = 450;
$meta[‘television’] = “Operate a TV for”;
// Set variables for calculation
$grams = 226.8; // Grams per average container recycled.
$watts = 0.441; // Watts saved per gram of recycled glass.
// Set minute constants
$h = 60; // Minutes in an hour
$d = 1440; // Minutes in a day
$mo = 43800; // Minutes in a month (as defined as 1/12 of the minutes in a year)
$y = 525600; // Minutes in a year
$w = 52; // Number of Weeks in a year
/* ———————————————————————————————- */
$con = 0; // Set the number of containers variable
if (isset($_REQUEST[‘con’])) { // Check that the user has entered a value for number of containers
$con = trim(stripslashes($_REQUEST[‘con’])); // Get user entered number of containers remove any extraneous characters
if (is_numeric($con)) { // Validate the number of containers entered by the user
$con = abs($con); // Absolute value of the number of containers entered (just in case)
$con_y = $con * $w; // Calculate containers Recycled in a year
$watts_y = ((int) ($grams * $watts * $con_y)); // Calculate watts saved in a year
$p = 2; // Set the page instance code to 2: results page
foreach ($device as $k => $v) { // Evaluate the number of minutes each of the devices entered above could operate
$spw[$k] = ((( $grams * $watts ) * $con) / $v) * $h; // The number of minutes the device could operate in a week
$spy[$k] = $spw[$k] * $w; // The number of minutes the device could operate in a year
// Convert minutes in a week to Years, Months, Days, Hours, Minutes
$s_w[$k][‘y’] = ((int) ( $spw[$k] / $y));
$s_w[$k][‘mo’] = ((int) (($spw[$k] – ( $s_w[$k][‘y’] * $y)) / $mo));
$s_w[$k][‘d’] = ((int) (($spw[$k] – (($s_w[$k][‘y’] * $y) + ($s_w[$k][‘mo’] * $mo))) / $d));
$s_w[$k][‘h’] = ((int) (($spw[$k] – (($s_w[$k][‘y’] * $y) + ($s_w[$k][‘mo’] * $mo) + ($s_w[$k][‘d’] * $d))) / $h));
$s_w[$k][‘m’] = ((int) ( $spw[$k] – (($s_w[$k][‘y’] * $y) + ($s_w[$k][‘mo’] * $mo) + ($s_w[$k][‘d’] * $d) + ($s_w[$k][‘h’] * $h))));
// Convert minutes in a Year to Years, Moths, Days, Hours, Minutes
$s_y[$k][‘y’] = ((int) ( $spy[$k] / $y));
$s_y[$k][‘mo’] = ((int) (($spy[$k] – ( $s_y[$k][‘y’] * $y)) / $mo));
$s_y[$k][‘d’] = ((int) (($spy[$k] – (($s_y[$k][‘y’] * $y) + ($s_y[$k][‘mo’] * $mo))) / $d));
$s_y[$k][‘h’] = ((int) (($spy[$k] – (($s_y[$k][‘y’] * $y) + ($s_y[$k][‘mo’] * $mo) + ($s_y[$k][‘d’] * $d))) / $h));
$s_y[$k][‘m’] = ((int) ( $spy[$k] – (($s_y[$k][‘y’] * $y) + ($s_y[$k][‘mo’] * $mo) + ($s_y[$k][‘d’] * $d) + ($s_y[$k][‘h’] * $h))));
} else {
$p = 3; // Set the Page instance code to 3, invalid entry
} else {
$p = 1; // Set the Page instance code to 1, the default
if (isset($_REQUEST[‘send’])) $p = 3;
if ($p == 1) { ?>
Carbon Calculator
The Carbon Calculator will give you an idea of just how much energy you can save by recycling your glass containers. The use of recycled glass in the manufacture of new glass bottles, jars, and other products actually reduces the amount of energy needed to make a new product and because there is no limit to the number of times glass can be recycled, the environmental benefits of glass recycling are unique in the container industry! See how much energy you are saving:Carbon Calculator
It looks like you entered something other than the number of containers you recycle each week. Please use only numbers, e.g. 5 and not five.Thank you for recycling!
In a week you recycle glass container. That means over the course of a year you recycle glass container. Which will save watt of energy!What can container a week do?
Well, it could:
$v) {
if ($s_w[$k][‘y’] >= 1 || $s_w[$k][‘mo’] >=1 || $s_w[$k][‘d’] >= 1 || $s_w[$k][‘h’] >= 1 || $s_w[$k][‘m’] > 1) {
echo ”
- {$meta[$k]}:“; if ($s_w[$k][‘y’] >= 1) echo ” {$s_w[$k][‘y’]} Year”; if ($s_w[$k][‘y’] > 1) echo “s”; if ($s_w[$k][‘mo’] >= 1) echo ” {$s_w[$k][‘mo’]} Month”; if ($s_w[$k][‘mo’] > 1) echo “s”; if ($s_w[$k][‘d’] >= 1) echo ” {$s_w[$k][‘d’]} Day”; if ($s_w[$k][‘d’] > 1) echo “s”; if ($s_w[$k][‘h’] >= 1 && $s_w[$k][‘y’] < 1 && $s_w[$k][‘mo’] < 1) echo ” {$s_w[$k][‘h’]} Hour”; if ($s_w[$k][‘h’] > 1 && $s_w[$k][‘y’] < 1 && $s_w[$k][‘mo’] < 1) echo “s”; if ($s_w[$k][‘m’] >= 1 && $s_w[$k][‘y’] < 1 && $s_w[$k][‘mo’] < 1 && $s_w[$k][‘d’] < 1) echo ” {$s_w[$k][‘m’]} Minute”; if ($s_w[$k][‘m’] > 1 && $s_w[$k][‘y’] < 1 && $s_w[$k][‘mo’] < 1 && $s_w[$k][‘d’] < 1) echo “s”; echo “ “; } } ?>
That means for a full year, you could:
$v) {
if ($s_y[$k][‘y’] >= 1 || $s_y[$k][‘mo’] >=1 || $s_y[$k][‘d’] >= 1 || $s_y[$k][‘h’] >= 1 || $s_y[$k][‘m’] > 1) {
echo ”
- {$meta[$k]}:“; if ($s_y[$k][‘y’] >= 1) echo ” {$s_y[$k][‘y’]} Year”; if ($s_y[$k][‘y’] > 1) echo “s”; if ($s_y[$k][‘mo’] >= 1) echo ” {$s_y[$k][‘mo’]} Month”; if ($s_y[$k][‘mo’] > 1) echo “s”; if ($s_y[$k][‘d’] >= 1) echo ” {$s_y[$k][‘d’]} Day”; if ($s_y[$k][‘d’] > 1) echo “s”; if ($s_y[$k][‘h’] >= 1 && $s_y[$k][‘y’] < 1 && $s_y[$k][‘mo’] < 1) echo ” {$s_y[$k][‘h’]} Hour”; if ($s_y[$k][‘h’] > 1 && $s_y[$k][‘y’] < 1 && $s_y[$k][‘mo’] < 1) echo “s”; if ($s_y[$k][‘m’] >= 1 && $s_y[$k][‘y’] < 1 && $s_y[$k][‘mo’] < 1 && $s_y[$k][‘d’] < 1) echo ” {$s_y[$k][‘m’]} Minute”; if ($s_y[$k][‘m’] > 1 && $s_y[$k][‘y’] < 1 && $s_y[$k][‘mo’] < 1 && $s_y[$k][‘d’] < 1) echo “s”; echo “ “; } } ?>
*Our calculations are based on an average sized container. If you regularly recycle very large items (such as champagne Bottles) go ahead and count those as two and if you regularly recycle small containers (such as baby food jars) count those as a half to get a more accurate estimate of your energy savings.
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